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Emacs Eask
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⚙️ Emacs Configuration

Eask is the magic file that eask will read it as the init file in Emacs. The syntaxes are similar to the Cask file, but different.

(package "Emacs configuration's name"
         "Your Emacs configuration's description")  ; optional

(website-url "")
(keywords "config")

(package-file "init.el")  ; optional

(script "test" "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1")

(files "early-init.el" "init.el"

(source "gnu")
(source "melpa")

(depends-on "emacs" "26.1")
(depends-on "auto-complete")
(depends-on "dash")
(depends-on "f")
(depends-on "flycheck")
(depends-on "helm")
(depends-on "magit")
(depends-on "popup")
(depends-on "projectile")
(depends-on "s")
(depends-on "smartparens")
(depends-on "yasnippet")
💡 You would need to use -c or –config option to manage your configuration’s packages!