Domain Specific Language
This document provides a reference on the DSL.
Declare a package with the given name, version, and description:
(package "ert-runner" "0.7.0" "Opinionated Ert testing workflow")
All arguments are strings. The version must be a version understood by Emacs'
built-in version-to-list
Declare the package website.
(website-url "")
Declare package keywords.
(keywords "tool" "utility" "emacs")
Declare package’s author.
(author "USER NAME" "")
Declare package’s author.
(license "GPLv3")
Define this package and its runtime dependencies from the package headers of a file (used only for package development).
(package-file "foo.el")
Declare all package metadata directly by specifying a package descriptor contained in file with name given by file.
(package-descriptor "foo-pkg.el")
Specify list of files that are included in this project.
(files "foo.el")
(files "*.el" "core/*.el")
Add built-in scripts and their preset life cycle event as well as arbitrary scripts.
(script "test" "echo This is a test!")
Add a package archive to install dependencies from.
(source "gnu")
(source "gnu" "")
Available aliases:
Available devel
Noteπ‘ Use –insecure to make https to http, but not recommended!
Set archive priority.
(source-priority "gnu" 5)
Specify a dependency of this package.
Specify dependencies that are listed in archives:
(depends-on "emacs" "26.1")
(depends-on "dash")
(depends-on "company")
Specify dependencies in recipe format:
(depends-on "auto-rename-tag"
:repo "jcs-elpa/auto-rename-tag"
:fetcher 'github)
(depends-on "lsp-ui"
:repo "emacs-lsp/lsp-ui"
:fetcher 'github
:files '(:defaults "lsp-ui-doc.html" "resources"))
Noteπ‘ Install dependencies with command eask install-deps!
Scope all depends-on
expressions in body to development.
(depends-on "ert-runner")
(depends-on "elsa"))
Noteπ‘ You would need to specify the –dev option for development dependencies!
Specify paths to add to load-path
(load-paths "/lisp/")
Specify paths to add to exec-path
(load-paths "/bin/")